Goroots and the Terravent

As Terravent and Soil Decompaction experts, we have the great experience of owning and operating two terravents for over 15 years.

We have adapted our Terravent machine so that it can be used at any site without the need to make any access arrangements.

Terravent on trolleyThe Terravent (also known as 'terra vent') was developed by the RHS at Kew and Pinnacle Products in order to alleviate the problems caused by compaction.

They were looking for a way of breaking up sub soil layers whilst being able to innoculate the root area at the same time and developed the terravent system.

The Terravent works by driving a 22mm hollow probe into the soil using a drop hammer which is incorporated into the Terravent head.

Once at the required depth (generally 600mm) the probe is connected to a high pressure gas source usually Nitrogen Bottles. The small reservoir on the top of the Terravent head is charged to a pressure of 50bar and a dump valve is released causing a blast of gas to come out of the holes at the bottom of the probe.

This terraventing causes the soil to rupture both horizontally and vertically. This process causes the breaking up of any layers that are preventing the exchange of air and moisture within the root zone.

After this part of the Terravent cycle is completed then a further optional feature is the ability to add a rejuvenating mixture of beneficial fungi and stimulants directly into the root zone.

Tel: 07957 142986

Email: info@goroots.co.uk

Contact/Call us 07957 142986 - David Dowding, Goroots Ltd. 37 The Chase, Eastcote, Middlesex HA5 1SH

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